From Joshua Tree to Bombay Beach - Seattle Travel Photographer


First of all, welcome to the longest photo blog ever! It has been really hard for me to narrow these images down.

This trip was truly amazing, a fast and furious three day trip! We started wit horse back riding in L.A. I try to go on a horse back ride whenever I can, good for the soul. Next we got in the car and cruised out to the JT for some sunset photos. If you follow me on Instagram - you can see these trips happening on my story.

We arrived to our airbnb kind of late, but the surrounding properties had all sorts of cool spots for shooting.

Next- We ventured out to a place called Garth’s Boulder Garden - love this place!

The people here were lovely. Including Garth himself. They take donations to stay afloat so if you go, throw them some cash. There is a little man- made hot spring nestled in the rocks by a sauna. AMAZING. A sweet dog took us on a guided walk through the boulders. FOR REAL.

There were dead trees, my favorite. This place was one of the coolest places I have ever been.

Next-we just cruised around the Joshua Tree - stopping places that looked promising for photos and light. It was HOT. Our end goal for the night besides the Joshua Tree Saloon of course - was to be at Arch Rock Trail for sunset.

If you have Spotify - HERE is our desert playlist- CRUCIAL to any road trip for me.

Mission accomplished at the Arch Rock Trail and the Joshua Tree Saloon (Pappy and Harriets were closed but we love both places)

Now it was time to wake up and head out to the SALTON SEA for our last night. If you don’t know the history of the Salton Sea or Bombay Beach it is SO worth checking out!

We walked around Bombay Beach when we arrived…we went in and out of the abandoned trailers in total awe of the place. It was VERY cool and had a sort of crazy vibe. There were hardly any humans in sight.

Shooting here in Salton City where we stayed was intense. The ground was crunchy on top and mushy underneath. It was HOT. It smelled like dead fish and sulfur. We lasted as long as we could, but I’m not going to lie, that heat and smell were rough.

I finally got to show my love for the 1968 Planet of the Apes film that I love so much….

I had my eyes on the prize for sunset photos - this creepy swing set that was out in the water. When we arrived - the sunset was INCREDIBLE. I was blown away by the still water of the sea. We reached the parking lot and grabbed all of the gear and dresses and when we got to the view of the swing set - we were literally devastated when we saw that there was a music video being filmed RIGHT WHERE I WANTED TO BE. Right in front of the swing set. They had all the gear - SUV’s were surrounding them, the full deal. We slowly walked toward the swing. We didn’t have time to relocate. The sun was setting. We decided we would be annoying and just shoot right next to them. You only live but one time, and I may never be here again.


I’ve included a little slideshow below of Bombay Beach to give you a sense of it - but we totally ran out of time to see some other cool stuff, so I must go back!

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you are inspired to visit these beautiful places!

And thank you to these two lovely amazing woman who helped me make some of the best work I BELIEVE I have ever made. Obviously I couldn’t have done it without you!


Photographing in my very own neighborhood.... - West Seattle Conceptual Photographer


More than Human - Seattle Mermaid Photographer